Today’s a really unique day to be remembered. I felt I wouldn’t do the day justice if I…
Java, first impressions
Java, Indonesia Every time people ask me if I’ve been to Indonesia the answer has been “Bali” (which…
SingTel Coverage Map
Never thought this would be useful to me some day 😀 Finally there’s Google maps version too:…
Drone state of the world (start of 2015)
First I want to thank everyone who has been supporting me in my startup life thus far. Although…
Directions 2015
NY Resolutions time! 2014 First, let’s look at 2014. In 2014 I gave myself 1 year to figure…
Traveling Solo
As a kid I chanced upon (or, depending on perspectives, my mum forced upon me) an interesting book…
Reflections from Shanghai Trip Part 3
(Read Part 1, Part 2) Time always passes by quickly when we’re travelling to a new place. I…
Reflections from Shanghai Trip Part 2
(Read Part 1) This is a prototype Bb/F plastic trombone, not for sale yet… The conference got more…
Reflections from Shanghai Trip part 1
I took a week off to travel to Shanghai to attend music CHINA, an expo under the same…
So the inflexion point has happened. And honestly I was surprised by my emotional state. I’ve just been…