From Tim O’Reilly, stolen from flickr / ambivalence0 Someone pointed out that Web 2.0 is dead. I wouldn’t…
e-learning virtual ecosystem
Happy Chinese New Year! 🙂 A short take on e-learning with focus on tangible steps in creating a…
How to rid yourself from SPAM
(1) A dude called Yuen-lin did an interesting exercise, he rid himself from spam :O Listen to what…
Take Leave
The weird thing about not having flexible hours for your work means that you have to take leave…
First Paycheck from SCS
First paycheck today 😀 it’s amazing no matter how I tell myself not to be motivated by money…
The Politics Test
Here you go, another time waster. Oklar, quite accurate… You are a Social Liberal (71% permissive)and an… Economic…
Bye Bye Miss American Pie
I left the United States of America for home on August 25. That’s exactly 5 years and 5… – anthems of Malaysia
Got bored. Read about the lack of appreciation of the national anthem twice today, once about the US…
Smart School Project
Working weekends – counting down to launch – a milestone that will seal Amazon’s ambition to build the…
Amazon all-hands meeting
If there’s anything anyone should get out of the Amazon’s all hands meeting today, is that teams should…