Bar Camp Singapore 5
BarCamp is back!
Date: Saturday March 27 2010
Venue: Singapore Polytechnic (next to Dover MRT). Exact location in the school TBD (just follow signs)
Main page:
If you have no idea what barcamp is, Preetam made a cool visual guide on flickr or if you’re a wikipenerd, see I like to tell people, if you’re coming, then you’re presenting as well so better get something ready. Everyone’s an expect on _something_.
Compared to many BarCamps around the world, Singapore BarCamps are similar in its technology orientation, although the attendees aren’t quirky enough 🙂 The venue had been nomadic (NTUC Center – ? – Ngee Ann Poly – IDA HQ – Singapore Poly) and while venue is a challenge, and the presenters are increasingly becoming global in nature, with many participants driving/flying in just for BarCamp and nothing else (well… maybe the food).
See you there!