I’ve read many suggested improvements to TCP and simply congestion control on the Internet in general. Here’s one…
HTML E-mails!
I’ve only recently found out how bad the rendering engine was for the various e-mail clients for supporting…
Alatum Price List
Snapshot from www.alatum.com.sg taken on 30/10/08. Too bad there’s still no per second charging or some form of…
The Star Challenge Finals
Is Today, 1pm to 3pm @ Fusionopolis. Yesterday night, TDM/A*STAR did a nice event for people to interact…
Sibelius Scorch Plugin for WordPress
Update 2014: Haven’t updated it for a long while, use at your own risk! Thought it’s high time…
Flock – Social Web Browser
This is a test post from Flock‘s built in blogging feature. Most features tested works so far as…
Django Templates Cheat Sheet
Source: www.scribd.com/doc/4950257/django-templates-cheat-sheet [ Attribution / Non-commercial ] Really, it’s for myself, but publicly, I guess this is actually…
Can I coin the term Gigaband?
Tell me what you think. I basically need a term that could be used to describe networks that…
Thoughts and tips on iPhone3G@SG
Everybody needs an Apple device, at least eventually. Since the first release of an iPod many years back…
Next Generation National Broadband Network Video Release
[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.ida.gov.sg/video/Infrastructure/Wired/NextGenNBN/NextGenNBNVideo.swf” height=”340″ width=”400″ /] Source: IDA