HackerNews-ed site good for managers and geeks alike 🙂 Sometimes you wish your compensation is more proportional to…
TelecomTV on Next Gen Networks in Singapore
Finally done with my exam (and missing everything that I have set aside for the past weeks) Here’s…
GridAsia 2009, 13-17 April, Suntec
GridAsia is today! @ IDA’s offices (Suntec Tower 3, #14-00), 13 – 17 April. See gridasia.ngp.org.sg/2009 for more…
Six ways to make Six ways to make Web 2.0 work work
Occasionally I indulge in Mckinsey’s publication, not only because it pulls me back to the center of discussion…
NGNBN OpCo: Nucleus Connect
Press Release: starhub.listedcompany.com/news.html/id/148092 News: www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporebusinessnews/view/419908/1/.html Highlights from StarHub Release: “begin commercial operations in 1Q-2010” “committed to attracting overseas…
Amazon.com Kindle 2
Buy it today! Buy it, NOW! Buy it for ME!! buahahaha – but cannot use internationally 🙁
A Royal Guestbook: Would the Sultan read it?
As the drama on the Perak government unfolds, a number of interesting efforts by people have sprung up,…
Remote Tele-lo-hei: publicity stunt or culture shift?
as we seek to the left as we find to the right as we think as we talk…
Dependencies – how hard can it get?
Today I must have broke my own record in the number of new things installed in a day…
Cisco’s EPIC@SG
As reported by ZDNet and Cisco.