NGNBN OpCo: Nucleus Connect
Press Release:
Highlights from StarHub Release:
- “begin commercial operations in 1Q-2010”
- “committed to attracting overseas online service providers to host their content in Singapore”
- “establish an integration test lab facility that will help RSPs trial and test out new applications and services over the Next-Gen NBN before commercial deployment”
IDA Release: and Events/20090403155250.aspx
Highlights from IDA Release:
- “for example, offer a wholesale price of $21 per month for a 100 Mbps residential end-user connection and $121 for a 1Gbps connection. For non-residential premises, such as offices and schools, Nucleus Connect will offer a wholesale price of $75 per month for a 100 Mbps connection. Enterprise users who have more demanding requirements can opt for a 1Gbps connection at $860 per month”