Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
As we wind down the first decade of our new millennium, let’s rejoice, as the world didn’t come to an end (yet) as it hangs on a fine line of, you know, global issues (that you only see in newspapers right) and local indecisive leaders. No panic, all systems are still running, banks, trains, and what not. Your house is most likely to be standing, your paycheck is likely to be coming, and your passport is likely to be renewed.
And that Christmas card is likely to be coming (even as it’s past Christmas). In the spirit of not dropping unsolicited spam in your mailbox, I’ll drop it in your Google Reader or whatever RSS you subscribe to me, as well as you who loyally came back to this blog:
Sometimes, you’ve gotta feel more about the world you know – just let it go, let it slide, and then be one with nature and stuff. January is coming, sure, let it come. Doesn’t matter if your holidays are already over. See the world, know its beauty and how it was here long before we were, and don’t yet our annual celebration be just a count down, towards, well, nothingness.
As for myself, a large number of things has already been lined up – year 2011 – year of liberation, hopefully year of even more meaning. I can’t help it – I have to slide, really hit rock bottom these few days, to see a huge rebound. Yes 2010 is largely a year of new beginnings and yet a year of many unachieved dreams, some of them will have to be dropped, some of them will just have to wait, because 2011 is going to be da bomb!
Let it come! Two Oh One One!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too!
counting down to 1/1/11, hope you get what you “want” in the year of “wants”! 🙂