I took half a day leave
Today I took half a day’s leave.
As a result, my day looks like this:
8:00am wake up go to office, breakfast
9:00am clear some important matters, emails
10:30am draw some pictures on the white board, speak to myself
11:00am create powerpoint
12:30pm clear some more emails and matters, set out of office message, leave office
1:00pm have a leisurely lunch with Mark, spent 3 hours talking about macs and ipads, figuring out new business models for our lives while I learn about the possibility of lecturing
4:00pm do home chores, clean up
5:30pm go to concert hall
6:00pm dinner, warm up
6:30pm do more powerpoint slides, relax
7:30pm concert
9:30pm concert finish, send Ben home, compared OMM and TPO
10:00pm blogging (this)
10:30pm publicize pops concert
11:30pm arrange music for pops concert
12:30am prepare work tomorrow, some emails, schedule meetings
1:00am sleep
Thing is, my life used to look more like this 4 years ago (without taking leave)
What happened?!?
Hahahaha nice! Looks waaaay more efficient than my work day. If only I had so much drive to do this much in a day and focus on work work work.
this is not “efficient” this is RELAXING 🙂
what a difference in interpretation hahaha
good that you were relaxing on this day. in contrast, i had been feeling rather melancholic for the whole day long, for unexplained reason(s) 🙁 how i hope i could have been feeling more excited instead!
life got ups and downs mah – just cherish the nice moments :o)