My DISC Profile: Organizer
Did another DISC profile test today at work. If I recall correctly this didn’t change since the last time I took the test, but I forgot to blog that down, so it is here this time:

Here’s a basic description:
Strong (D)ominant, followed by (I)nfluencing. Weak in (S)teady and less so (C)omplacent.
Outstanding Traits
You are aggressive, persuasive, active, and independent – an action-oriented self-starter who drives for goals regardless of obstacles. Giving up or giving in is unthinkable. You are a prime mover who loves competition. You prod or persuade, compliment or needle, exhort or drive, depending on the situations. You tend to demand first and ask second, and your love of power primes you for top roles; pride provides the impetus to take risks and implement bold plans. In favorable environments, you are friendly; in antagonistic environments, you are tough.
Basic Desires and Internal Drive
You are forceful, confident, impatient, and firm. IN your daily activities, you see the need to move positively for measurable results, pushing aside anything that stands in the way. You set a fast pace and expect associates or subordinates to keep up. You make decisions quickly and easily but are willing to recognize that some restraints are reasonable and necessary.
Need For Possible Improvement
The drive for quick results often makes you a poor delegator and a direct but too-brief communicator. You tend to be a half-hearted listener who is better at sending than receiving. In addition, you may spend too much time putting out brush fires and not enough time on long-range planning. In decision-making, you may be impulsive and shoot from the hip.
How to Encourage and Manage
Your superior need tolerance for criticism and must be willing and able to delegate. To you as an Organizer, respect for authority doesn’t mean blind obedience. You don’t particularly like projects that don’t challenge or extend you. Your successes should be acknowledged openly and often. You need to be involved and moving up, or you may move on.
What’s more interesting is the part on how to deal with a person like me (strong D):
How to communicate: Be direct. Start with results and benefits, then provide details as needed. Be quick and to the point, challenge them.
How to Convince: Answer “What?” Focus on results, bottom line first. Answer their question, “What are the benefits?”
How to Motivate: Think “Goals / Quantity” Give them the “what” and let them determine the “how”. Let them have CONTROL, be in charge of something.
How to Disagree (this is very useful I’m sure): Agree with their GOAL + TEST, then ask, “Why do you think this is the best way? Have you considered other alternatives to reach your goal?”
As usual these are quite cool studies or our personality. Feel free to use this the next time you meet me 🙂