Slowly they come in, thousand bucks by thousand bucks
Earlier, water: checked. Electricity: checked.
This week, Terrazzo floor polishing: checked. Ceiling fan: checked. Power points: checked. New furniture: checked. So the place is basically ready for move in.
Lots of furniture!
All needs fixing ourselves!
I will hide here!
Brother will hide here!
Secret person will hide here!
My interim camp ground while the rest of the house gets fixed up.
See the floor reflecting lights after polish! (hope they last)
Next week break – celebrate CNY.
Following week, bed, fridge, washing machine, TV, change address, fix up furniture, service air cond, deco a bit and tada – new abode for the family 🙂
If you’re free on 21/2 (Sunday), please come help me move at either 9am at Hougang or 11am at AMK!
Hire movers la, dun be kiam siap.
Love to join you and visit your new home… but.. still in Ipoh.
Will you be in Ipoh during CNY? We can meet up for a drink. =) I’ll be there from tomorrow morning till next Sunday evening.