Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig (CC)
You’ve gotta read this: (assuming that you haven’t). Print it out or put it on your phone if staring at your PC/laptop is too tiring. Or just buy the book.
Professor Lessig was big when I was in Stanford in 03/04, but I didn’t fully understand the implications of his work until I finally finished his book recently. As a person devoted to the creation of derivative work and preservation of under performed music, what he has done to protect our freedom is huge. I must admit I cried every other chapter as I read through this – there isn’t one moment in the past 15 years that I haven’t thought about this problem and some of his work has shed like to where things would be better.
One of the solutions is the famous Creative Commons, but I think that’s not enough. Let me reread the book again from the beginning and perhaps solidify some of these thoughts that I have. One very clear thing missing from his book is how the international community could weigh in and create a global free culture that would eventually dominate the American culture should such protectionism continue. It would probably involve the voting of billions of people outside US with their wallet, some powerful pack between other governments and many creative minds who create to preserve the very culture they were brought up in.
Let me think, let me think.
Have you also seen his Lessig style of presentation? He influenced me *alot*.
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