Next Gen NBN Specialised Track #2
See a fibre splicing machine in action!
Invitation to Lighthouse Specialised Track – Technical Workshop #2
The Lighthouse Specialised Tracks are a series of focused workshops put together to broaden and sharpen the skills of retail service providers looking to leverage on the Next Generation National Broadband Network to develop next generation services. The tracks comprise of four main categories, namely Regulatory, Technical, Marketing & Branding and Ideas & Innovation. Under these tracks will be a series of workshops conducted by industry experts both from the public and private sectors.
The rollout of Singapore’s Next Generation ultra high-speed Nationwide Broadband Network (Next Gen NBN) has commenced and is on schedule to reach:
60 per cent coverage of homes and 60 per cent coverage of non-residential buildings by 2010
95 per cent coverage by mid 2012
OpenNet, the Next Gen NBN NetCo has been deploying fibre to buildings since April 2009 and will start to deploy fibre into homes from September 2009. This Special Preview of Opennet Fibre to the Home Deployment Tour is one of the Next Gen NBN Lighthouse Series initiatives to provide you insight into OpenNet’s fibre network deployment.
Key Highlights
- Introduction to OpenNet’s Residential Deployment
- OpenNet Fibre & Equipment Display
- Fibre Splicing Demonstration
- Walk through visit of actual fibre deployment at Cantonment Close (fibre installations in manholes, MDF room, TER, risers)
Special Preview of OpenNet Fibre Deployment Tour event details:
Date | 27 August 2009 (Thursday) |
Time | 2.30pm – 4.00pm (Registration starts at 2.00pm) |
Venue | Blk 12 Cantonment Close, #01-15 (RC function room) |
Free Admission by Registration Only
Simply email your name, designation, company name, address and contact details (email, office tel & mobile no.) to broadband at by 25 August 2009. Limited seats only, first come first served basis. IDA reserves the right to limit the number of participants from each company.
Im Anand from Verizon.
I worked in FiOS(Fiber Optic system) – PON (Passive Optical Network) provisioning and we provided Quadra play(Voice(pstn),Data, Video and Voip) to customers and our network is one of the best in the world.
Great to see the world is going Fiber too, unlimited bandwidth restricted by the equips alone and a worthy investment. It has been paying us really good turnovers offsetting customer loss factors on the copper line front.
All the best guys!! We were in the same state when we first went fiber in Texas 3 years back 🙂
With Regards