Come hear my music arrangements @ Philwinds Pops Concert (Aug 24)
Completed!! Woohoo!! After talking to numerous people and researching and toiling over many weekends and weeknights, I think I’m done (maybe except encore…)
Read more about the concert on Philharmonic Winds’ website, or go buy tickets from SISTIC.

There will be more pieces than those advertised – some really really recent music for the young 🙂 Here’s a special word for the regular band members / band music aficionados: Be ready to hear pop music like never before. Much of the music in this selection has been transformed from a simple tune into miniature 3-minute symphonies, with materials borrowed heavily from the likes of Mahler, Sibelius, Tchaikovsky, John Williams etc. You’ll hear a good number of solos from alternate instruments, some musical jokes, and perhaps, a musical reflection of my currently life stuck in Singapore.
The greatest amount of conversation I had with the stakeholders come from the never ending discussion of what song to play. We started with a premise of what is famous, for some definition of famous, which we quickly abandoned as we found close to nothing. The idea of having half Asian pop and half Western pop turns out to be a good idea, as most of my pieces tend towards Asian pop simply due to the lack of commercially available scores (plus you’ll probably get bored).
What I hope you will appreciate should you come to the concert, is the breadth of the selection, ranging from 1946 classic and 1980s rock to 2007 top charts and 2008 TV series, songs from white, black, brown and yellow people, styles from Rap to Symphonic, all performed by an extended symphonic band with keyboards and guitars.
So do come – this August 24, 7:30pm in Esplanade Concert Hall, Singapore. We expect nothing less than a full house ok! It’s only 20 bucks… Whether or not you attended a band concert before, and even though almost all the music arrangements are global premiers, as long as you’re not deaf you will be able to appreciate it coz all the songs are famous. I’m sure you’ll like it, I promise!
Read more about the concert on Philharmonic Winds’ website, or go buy tickets from SISTIC.
chanced upon ur site. great performance that night, enjoyed it thoroughly (‘cept for the screaming kids).
ur music arrangements were really good too. 🙂 hope to be able to attend more concerts in the future!
Thanks for coming 🙂 If you can figure out a solution for the kids I’m sure there are many band tutors on the stage that night who would like to know more….
hey. do u happen to have recordings of the songs played that night
last i heard they still working out the details.. but then, it was so noisy how to have good live recording hahaha