Countdown to Philwinds Goes Pops 2008!
I’m blogging – but I seriously need a break. Writing music can sometimes be way too emotional.. especially when you’re working with a tool that gives you feedback (like midi playback).
Even though rehearsals have not started, I’m already feeling the heat all over – scoring for the concert has definitely passed the 50% mark, but the end is still no where near. By the end of today the goal is to finish the 8th piece (it’s a secret 😉 come to the concert to find out what we’re playing) and start working on the next set for the collaboration with some guest singers. I’ve met Ke Wei already, she’s got a lovely voice that I’m still thinking how to bring out her best, but I haven’t got to talk to Sebastian yet, our favourite Broadway Beng! I think that would be the biggest challenge for me this time.
Anyway, stay tune! Remember to come – if you’re those who never really attend classical concerts, this is probably the most “familiar” one that you won’t want to miss. Just book your calendars now ok! 24th August evening@ Esplanade. 7 weeks to go!!!
To learn more about Philwinds, please visit