Aska in Singapore with TPO!
If anything you remember Chage and Aska, you probably remember “Say Yes” (1991), and you probably remember the duo, one with a hat and shades all the time – Chage, one that looks like a perpetual pretty boy – Aska. They went their own ways since the 90s, but most of their hits are really performed in the 80s and early 90s.
Aska is in town btw 🙂 Two nights this weekend @ Esplanade Concert Hall. This is part of a longer term plan to tour the region. If you’re a Japanese you might even want to meet some of your countrymen. For fans, chances are you haven’t heard him with an orchestra, so this certainly will add a dimension to the music.
Some selected tubing whether or not you can afford the show ticket…
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帰宅 (回家)
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Say Yes
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thanks so much!!! just wanna thank you for all the clips on chage & aska 🙂 thanks for sharing yr love 🙂 love it esp sicne i didn’t manage to attend the concert 🙂