React Page Lifecycle Summary
Here, the no bullshit summary of React Page Lifecycle
Start (Once)
object getDefaultProps complex objects are shared not copied
object getInitialState
void componentWillMount
both client and server
can setState still, and render will happen only once.
ReactElement render
examines this.props and this.state
returns a single child (virtual DOM or react class)
must be PURE (does not modify state or setTimeout)
void componentDidMount
only on the client
can access any refs, setTimeout, send AJAX requests
void componentWillReceiveProps( object nextProps )
can setState to trigger render later
don’t assume props has changed
boolean shouldComponentUpdate
return false if possible
void componentWillUpdate( object nextProps, object nextState )
render! => see above
void componentDidUpdate( object prevProps, object prevState )
Finish (Once)
void componentWillUnmount
cleanup: invalidating timers, clean up DOM elements