My 生辰八字 Sheng Chen Ba Zi
a.k.a. Destiny. From the day/hour I was born. Astonishingly and frightfully accurate (about 70%..) There are a gazillion of these sites on the internet. I was recommended 卜易居 by the search engine, you can try another.
The Internet says I:
独立性很强,不会受人左右,也不喜欢服从他人,有时候会很顽固。有随机应变的机智,因有强烈 好奇心,所以能够体验各种生活。curious, independent, stubborn, agile.
am a trusted, respected, communicator, leader.
danger of make wrong friends -_- more welcomed by guys O_O and must be careful of fake gals >_<
I’m too lazy to translate everything – going to pick out only some:
得妻扶助成功,白手成家自然富贵。succeeds with wife’s help (yay), defines own career/life and thus naturally wealthy
一生住所或事业多变动,运势低迷时奔波劳碌,受苦受累。运势上扬时则跃马扬鞭,上升迅速。career and residence changes all life, work busily and tirelessly when luck runs low, but prospects accelerate quickly when luck runs high.
其人温良恭俭,信守公德和传统,待人亲切,乐善好施,富于同情心。nice guy (really!)
为人光明磊落,对朋友热心,但容易受兄弟或朋友的拖累而破财。so nice, that friends or brothers easily becomes financial burdens.
得贤慧之内助协力成家,子女性格平实,肌体宽厚,有艺术天赋,能在文艺上成名。famous artist!
幼年生活艰苦,上学聪明,学业出众,但个性很犟。(犟 jiang4 = stubborn. omg why am I so stubborn)
小时身体不好,或有伤灾而导致身上明显部位留下疤痕。permanent scar (maybe it’s my face.. haha)
为人大方开朗,喜交朋友,不过于计较钱财得失,工作和收入流动性较大。happy socialite, but suffers financially (haih…)
自小聪明过人,很有异性缘,颇受单身异性的喜欢,男可娶得豪门千金,女可钓得金龟婿。desirable, gets wife from rich family (yeah!! haha)
为人巧计伶俐,衣食安稳,骨肉少力,六亲冷淡,儿女早见刑克,夫妻和顺,女人清闲,晚年发达之命。rich when old (why!!)
适合的职业:化学、采访、教员、文艺、新兴事业、加工业。忌土类。Suitable careers: chemist, reporter, teacher, artist, new business, process industry. Avoid “soil” i.e. construction, gardening, etc.
应该注意年限:十九岁,廿五岁,卅二岁,四九岁,七十八岁。Take care when 19, 25, 32, 49, 78. Hmmm…. 19 I was taking A Levels, 25 I started serving bond in Singapore, 32 I’m getting married, what will happen when I’m 49 and 78?
The only thing left now is to fulfill the destiny! *soundtrack plays*
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p/s Please don’t take this so seriously – you create your own destiny, but reading this is an excellent background for holiday (e.g. CNY) discussion with friends and family for fun and laughter. Your life will treat you well if you treat your life well.